NCFP Rating Top 100 (8 and below)
Based from December 2023 release.

# Name Standard Rapid Blitz Fischer 960 Gender Age NCFP ID Fide ID
1 CONSTANTE, Mariji 1752 1642
1752 8 C01580 5270260
2 BURNHAM, Sirena Sloane f 7 0 521009619
3 TEMPLONUEVO, Phil Rholand 1437
8 0 521009996
4 OTARRA, Amarra Therese f 8 0 521013802
5 CASTRO, Jepsaiah Asher M. 1239 8 0
6 DELLERA, Caiden Marcus 1381
8 0
7 MABUGNON, Amiel Jayden C. 1450
8 0 5289874
8 PERTEZ, Kurt Zion 8 0 521016321
9 MIRANDA, Queen Megan 6 0
10 ROQUE, Jiro Gabriel 7 0
11 DELLERA, Caiden Marcus 1381 8 0
12 LLENA, Isobella Saige f 8 0 521007411
13 GACUTAN, Jz Luke G. 7 0 521009155
14 DELUBIO, Dice-lee Musika f 7 0 5292115
15 AGARWAL, Aekaansh 7 0 521002495
16 LAURENTE, Franzies Karl 7 0 521010137
17 SEMBRANO, Kiel Sebastian 8 0 521015597
18 QUISADO, Reva Sky 7 0 521016666
19 UMARAN, Princess Nina Gabrill 1320
f 8 0 521014035
20 GAITAN, Ethan Joseph 8 0 521014191
21 QUITAIN, Allaina Yzobelle f 8 0 521015546
22 CASTRO, Jepsaiah Asher M. 1239
8 0
23 RABILAS, Nniechaela Gwyneth f 8 0 521015554
24 CABILAS, Comets 7 0 521016801
25 RABOR, Princess Jean f 8 0 521009937
26 DE VERA, Sven David 7 0 521016100
27 SAN DIEGO, Prince Anton 7 0 5277671
28 SAN DIEGO, Prince Anton 7 0 5277671
29 REYES, Ellise Margery f 8 0 5282950
30 PASCUA, Nathaniel Abrahm Shane 8 0 5299632
31 PAGCALIWAGAN, Altthea Romana f 8 0 521015490
32 PASCUAL, Lee Kristoff 8 0 521015520
33 SIANOYA, Khent Lheiam 8 0 5288576
34 FLORENDO, Jared Simon 8 0 5286620
35 VILLARIZA, Enzo 8 0 521007713
36 BOTOR, Jairanz Von Aj 8 0 521016275
37 VILLARIZA, Nigella f 7 0 521007748
38 PATROPEZ, Shane 7 0 5292905
39 SILVA, Margaret 1018
f 8 0 521006164
40 ABLONG, Pio Ezekiel 5 0 521007012
41 TAPERO, Mateo Yosef 8 0 521010552
42 CEQUINA, Fitz Xian 1389
8 0
43 LIM, Frexine Maria 1299
7 0 521009791
44 DELA TORRE, Benison Ezekiel 7 0
45 NYGAARD, Daniel Robert 8 0 521010986
46 LANUZA, Lorenzo Van Austin 7 0 5283787
47 DOLLOSO, Laura Athena f 8 0 521013560
48 CALMA, Joachim Paolo 7 0 521003750
49 ROJAS, Bryle Nelson 8 0 521013918

This website is not affiliated with NCFP, the ratings listed here should not be used as an official reference, you may find the NCFP official rating list on their facebook page or
Credits is shared with sir Edward Serrano to whom without his dedication and hard work won't make this ratings compilation possible.