NCFP Rating List (gabaya - gacutan)
Based from December 2023 release.


# Name Standard Rapid Blitz Fischer 960 Gender Age NCFP ID Fide ID
21701 GABAYA, Jennifer 1510 f 16 G01287
21702 GABAYAN, Jeremiah 1624 1624 1624 27 G00009
21703 GABAYAN, Nestor 1660 1687 1660 G00010
21704 GABAYAN, Voltaire 13 G01196 5292352
21705 GABAYERON, Luv Isabelle P. 1438
f 0
21706 GABAYERON, Rhianna Ross 1289
f 13 0
21707 GABAYERON, Rhianna Ross 1199 f 0
21708 GABE, Arwin John 1748
21709 GABE, Lucky 1450 19 G01267
21710 GABELEN, Mikee Angela 1801 1771
1801 f G00011
21711 GABELEN, Arnold 1782 1786 1782 G00012
21712 GABELEN, Mike Angelo 1870 1899 1870 22 G00013
21713 GABERTAN, Joseph Brian 1578
21714 GABERTAN, Joseph Brian 1578 0
21715 GABERTAN, Joseph Brian 1578 0
21716 GABERTAN, Joseph Brian 1578 0
21717 GABERTAN, Joseph Brian 1578 0
21718 GABIA, Thomas 1687 1687 1687 20 G00014
21719 GABIANO, Reign Samuelle 1213 13 G01225
21720 GABIANO, Gaea Claude 1232 12 G01224
21721 GABIANO, Gabrielle Claude 1782 1616 1601 12 G00015
21722 GABIAZON, John Vincent 21 0 5253942
21723 GABIAZON, John Vincent 21 0 5253942
21724 GABICA, Ernesto 1935 1929
1954 43 G00016
21725 GABILO, Leonard 1842 1842 1842 G00017
21726 GABINETE, Daniel 1051
13 0
21727 GABINETE, Mark Anthony 1796 1796 1796 G00018 5206421
21728 GABING, Jemalyn f 0
21729 GABING, Jovelyn f 0
21730 GABING, Jemalyn f 0
21731 GABING, Jovelyn f 0
21732 GABING, Charles Klent 1829 1829 1829 20 G00019 5231868
21733 GABING, Cressler Bruce 1852 1852 1852 22 G00020
21734 GABION, Mylen 1788 1788 1788 f 30 G00021 5214769
21735 GABIS, Alvin Jr. 1652 1652 1652 22 G00022
21736 GABITANO, Clarice 1600 1600 1600 f 26 G00023
21737 GABO, Christopher 1704
21738 GABO, Christopher 1704 0
21739 GABO, Genrey 1735 1735 1735 28 G00024
21740 GABON, Antonio 1788 1788 1788 38 G00025
21741 GABORNO, Ronele Rhaze 13 0 5299330
21742 GABOTERO, Ronaldo 0
21743 GABOTERO, Ronaldo 0
21744 GABOTERO, Romeo Jr. 1815 1845 1903 36 G00026 5224900
21745 GABOY, Janus Adolf 24 0 5265916
21746 GABOY, Janus Adolf 24 0 5265916
21747 GABRAL, Earl Cedrick 1831 1806 1831 25 G00027
21748 GABRIDO, Elaine 1582 1562 1562 f 21 G00028 5230950
21749 GABRIEL, Arven 32 0 5273749
21750 GABRIEL, Joel Jr 18 0 5299349
21751 GABRIEL, Johanna Miracle G01276
21752 GABRIEL, Percci Loise 18 0 5291275
21753 GABRIEL, Arven 32 0 5273749
21754 GABRIEL, Aljean 1575 1575 1575 26 G00029
21755 GABRIEL, Jerommel 1866 1871 1866 G00030
21756 GABRIEL, Norman 1595 1595 1595 G00031
21757 GABRIEL, Nyl Gerard 1731 1756 1731 24 G00032
21758 GABRIEL, Romeo 1941 1941 1941 G00033
21759 GABRIEL, Jefferson 1841 1818 38 G01317 5293120
21760 GABRIENTE, George 1911 1911 1911 G00034
21761 GABRILLO, Vince Mark 1637
21762 GABRILLO, Vince Mark 1537 0
21763 GABRINAO, Rheabel 1680 f 21 G01325
21764 GABRINO, Ruben 1735 1735 1735 G00035
21765 GABUAN, John Carlo 1718 1719 1718 23 G00036
21766 GABUAN, Jhon Joel G01203
21767 GABUCAY, Rene 50 0 5226872
21768 GABUCAY, Rene 50 0 5226872
21769 GABUT, Marco Gabriel G01324
21770 GABUYA, Cesar Dominique 1661
23 0 5263182
21771 GABUYA, Princess Jara 1198
f 0
21772 GABUYA, Cesar Dominique 1661 23 0 5263182
21773 GABUYA, Joest 1824 1824 1824 G00037
21774 GABUYA, Ruben G00038
21775 GABUYO, Rommel 30 0 5268761
21776 GABUYO, Rommel 30 0 5268761
21777 GACA, Norman 1647
21778 GACA, Norman 1647 0
21779 GACANG, Jeah Jen 1824 1824 1824 f 33 G00039 5263190
21780 GACANG, Jean 1831 1831 1831 f 28 G00040
21781 GACELO, Marvin Bryan 1788 1788 1788 G00041
21782 GACHE, Jan Cyrus 1293 20 0
21783 GACHE, Jan Cyrus 1293
20 0
21784 GACHE, Jan Cyrus 1293 20 0
21785 GACHE, Jan Cyrus 1293 20 0
21786 GACHE, Jan Cyrus 1293 20 0
21787 GACHE, Jan Cyrus 1293 20 0
21788 GACIAS, Jon Timothy 11 0 5299357
21789 GACIAS, Rafael Joaquin 1449 1427 1449 15 G00042 5242010
21790 GACILLA, Monica 23 0 5255910
21791 GACILLA, Monica 23 0 5255910
21792 GACIS, Piolo Billiscent 16 G01323
21793 GACITA, Isaac 1223
21794 GACOSTA, Joshua 1820 1820 1820 25 G00043 5227534
21795 GACULA, Korina Marie 1732 1730 1732 f 23 G00044 5236320
21796 GACUMA, Nathaniel Lien G00045
21797 GACUSAN, Kimberly Shane 1564 1564 1564 f 25 G00046
21798 GACUTAN, Jizy Lovel G. f 0
21799 GACUTAN, Jz Luke G. 6 0 521009155
21800 GACUTAN, Roland 1375

This website is not affiliated with NCFP, the ratings listed here should not be used as an official reference, you may find the NCFP official rating list on their facebook page or
Credits is shared with sir Edward Serrano to whom without his dedication and hard work won't make this ratings compilation possible.