NCFP Rating List (magura - malacas)
Based from December 2023 release.


# Name Standard Rapid Blitz Fischer 960 Gender Age NCFP ID Fide ID
29801 MAGURA, Andrea Cristine 1803 1780 1779 f 17 M00343 5248230
29802 MAGURA, Bryle Jhone 21 0 5221404
29803 MAGYARI, Rj M00345
29804 MAGYAYA, Christian Ian Mikko 1746 1733 1745 26 M00346 5235308
29805 MAHADALI, Datu R-yahamin M02332
29806 MAHAWAN, Cyrus Luis 1852 1788 1839 14 0 5268974
29807 MAHAWAN, Jamil 1191 8 0 5256054
29808 MAHAWAN, Jamil 1191 8 0
29809 MAHAWAN, Angelika Ann 1632 1632 1632 f 26 M00347
29810 MAHAWAN, Paul M00348
29811 MAHAWAN, Arnel Luna Jr. 1616 1622
1570 1556 14 M00349 5241189
29812 MAHAWAN, John Paul Luna 1649 1661
1605 19 M00350 5241197
29813 MAHAWAN, Cyrus Luis 1852
14 0 5268974
29814 MAHAWAN, Jamil 1191
8 0 5256054
29815 MAHAWAN, Jamil 1191 8 0
29816 MAHAWAN, Jamil 1191 8 0
29817 MAHAWAN, Jamil 1191 8 0
29818 MAHAYAG, Ma. Emma Christina 1393 f M02041
29819 MAHAYAG, Steven M00351
29820 MAHILOM, Chessa Alynna f M00352
29821 MAHILOM, Boracay 1869
29822 MAHILUM, Empress Gold 1229 M02209
29823 MAHILUM, Aldren 1600 1600 1600 M00353
29824 MAHILUM, Brent Enoc 1661 1661 1661 21 M00354
29825 MAHILUM, Tzid Eliza 1609 1609 1609 f 19 M00355
29826 MAHILUM, Albernathy 42 0 521009171
29827 MAHINAY, Andri Carl 0
29828 MAHINAY, Carl Jay 26 0 5266130
29829 MAHINAY, Marwin 1693 0
29830 MAHINAY, Rhae Mea f 0
29831 MAHINAY, Angela 1583 1583 1583 f 21 M00356
29832 MAHINAY, Condrado 1757 1757 1764
62 M00357 5288800
29833 MAHINAY, Andri Carl 0
29834 MAHINAY, Carl Jay 26 0 5266130
29835 MAHINAY, Marwin 1693
29836 MAHINAY, Rhae Mea f 0
29837 MAHINAY, Romeo 46 0 521011443
29838 MAHINOG, Baby James 1704 18 M00358
29839 MAHINOG, Ruby James M00359
29840 MAHMOOD SHAH, Mukhriez Shah 19 M00360
29841 MAHUMOC, Zoilo 0
29842 MAHUMOC, Zoilo 0
29843 MAICOM, Carlos 1629 1629 1629 25 M00361 5245869
29844 MAILED, Ann Michelle f M00362
29845 MAILIG, Joven 1671 1671 1671 M00363 5210135
29846 MAILO, Edgar 1851 M02033
29847 MAILOM, Eleana Yvonne 1690 1690 1690 f 22 M00364
29848 MAINIT, Cyriel 1639 17 M00365 5240140
29849 MAIQUE, Jessa Mae 1350
f 0
29850 MAISO, Ramon 1523 1523 1523 M00366
29851 MAISOG, Knnytt Nyl 1744 1806 1857 24 M00367 5258170
29852 MAIT, Uizziel Jay 35 0 5267960
29853 MAIT, Uizziel Jay 35 0 5267960
29854 MAJADUCOM, Marlou M00368
29855 MAJADUCOM, Willy 1787 1787 1787 M00369
29856 MAJAM, Gilbert 1765 1765 1765 M00370
29857 MAJAM, Nathaniel 1750 1750 1750 M00371
29858 MAKALINGAY, Muktar 1742
29859 MAKALINTAL, John David 1807 0
29860 MAKALINTAL, John David 1807 0
29861 MAKALINTAL, John David 1807
29862 MAKALINTAL, John David 1807 0
29863 MAKALINTAL, John David 1807 0
29864 MAKASIAR, Melencio 1738 1738 1738 M00372
29865 MAKIG-ANGAY, Jovan Andrie M00373
29866 MAKILAN, John Benedick 19 0 5298059
29867 MAKINANO, Anthony 2188 2136
2195 54 M00375 5202728
29868 MAKINANO, Ma. Lilian 1584 1584 1584 f 27 M00374
29869 MAKINANO, Kurt Daniel 1632
29870 MALA, Abdul Hakim 14 0 5271851
29871 MALA, Mohammad Areef 13 0 5271860
29872 MALA, Abdul Hakim 14 0 5271851
29873 MALA, Mohammad Areef 13 0 5271860
29874 MALABAD, Romnalie 1770 1770 1770 f 30 M00376
29875 MALABAD, Alexander Jude 1929 23 M02012 5237327
29876 MALABAG, Miguel Ricci 11 0 521003335
29877 MALABAGO, Frederick Nino 1696 0
29878 MALABAGO, Fiona Roselle 1496 1496 1496 M00377
29879 MALABAGO, Lucky Abraham 17 M00378
29880 MALABAGO, Frederick Nino 1696
29881 MALABANAN, Daniel 37 0 5272734
29882 MALABANAN, Arthur Joseph 1689 1689 1689 M00379
29883 MALABANAN, Cedrick John 1701 1701 1701 26 M00380
29884 MALABANAN, Kervy M00381
29885 MALABANAN, Mj Christopher 1550 1550 1550 25 M00382
29886 MALABANAN, Ashley Nicole f 16 0 5280516
29887 MALABANAN, Christian Joseph Coste 14 0 521012890
29888 MALABANAN, Daniel 37 0 5272734
29889 MALABARBAS, Alvin 1811 1811 1811 33 M00383
29890 MALABARBAS, Mysoul 1776 1757
1766 17 M00385 521002991
29891 MALABARBAS, Roselle Regine f M00384
29892 MALABIGA, Arnel 1588 1588 1588 31 M00386
29893 MALABIGA, El Nino 1646 1646 1646 34 M00387
29894 MALABIGA, Eriberto Jr. 1603 1603 1603 32 M00388
29895 MALABIGA, Nimrod 1705 1705 1705 M00390
29896 MALABIGA, Romnick 1790 1790 1790 34 M00391
29897 MALABIGA, Eric 1808 1834 1808 60 M00389 5241200
29898 MALACAMAN, Ashby Kurt 1480 19 M02215 5250536
29899 MALACAS, Elizarde 29 0 5275660
29900 MALACAS, Elizarde 29 0 5275660

This website is not affiliated with NCFP, the ratings listed here should not be used as an official reference, you may find the NCFP official rating list on their facebook page or
Credits is shared with sir Edward Serrano to whom without his dedication and hard work won't make this ratings compilation possible.