NCFP Rating List (merelos - miano)
Based from December 2023 release.


# Name Standard Rapid Blitz Fischer 960 Gender Age NCFP ID Fide ID
32301 MERELOS, Melvin 2136 2170 2136 52 M01461 5201691
32302 MEREN, Lhars Aaron 1702 1702 1702 M01462
32303 MERIA, Ian Red M02169
32304 MERIA, Eddie Jr. M02170
32305 MERIALES, Danny 1960 1960 1960 26 M01463
32306 MERIALES, Xian Cyren 17 0 5267307
32307 MERIALES, Xian Cyren 17 0 5267307
32308 MERIDA, Rocke Feller 27 0 5297745
32309 MERILLES, Christian Jay 1703 1703 1703 29 M01464
32310 MERILLES, Kim Brian 1551 1551 1551 26 M01466
32311 MERILLES, Nestor 1848 1849 1848 M01467
, Nezil Arj
2049 2103 2049 27 M01469 5212340
32313 MERILLES, Zenjih Angelo 1943 1933 1943 28 M01468 5212359
32314 MERILLES, Roel 1580 0
32315 MERILLES, Roel 1580
32316 MERILOS, John 1256 0
32317 MERILOS, John 1256 0
32318 MERILOS, John 1256 0
32319 MERILOS, John 1256 0
32320 MERILOS, John 1256 0
32321 MERILOS, John 1256
32322 MERIN, Ropert Mauron O. 1727 19 0
32323 MERIN, Ropert Mauron O. 1727 19 0
32324 MERIN, Ropert Mauron O. 1727 19 0
32325 MERIN, Ropert Mauron O. 1727 19 0
32326 MERIN, Ropert Mauron O. 1727 19 0
32327 MERIN, Ropert Mauron O. 1727
19 0
32328 MERIOLES, Napoleon 1874 1874 1874 M01470
32329 MERIOLES, Maximo 49 0 5218098
32330 MERIOLES, Maximo 49 0 5218098
32331 MERJILLA, Edilberto M01471
32332 MERJUDIO, Dominador Jr. 55 0 5231191
32333 MERJUDIO, Dominador Jr. 55 0 5231191
32334 MERKA, Gary 1755 1755 1755 M01472
32335 MERKA, Rodolfo 1793 1793 1793 M01473
32336 MERO, Francel 34 0 521008558
32337 MEROY, Nygel R. 1400
14 0 5282853
32338 MERTALLA, Derek 11 0 521004099
32339 MERTO, Prince Gerlan 46 0 5278511
32340 MERTO, Jan Jared 10 0 521004609
32341 MERTO, Prince Gerlan 46 0 5278511
32342 MERUENA, Erl Karain 1752 1752 1752 26 M01474 5225272
32343 MERZA, Jojo 1859 1859 1859 37 M01475
32344 MERZA, Epifanio 0 5203082
32345 MERZA, Epifanio 0 5203082
32346 MESA, John Glenn 1621 1621 1621 20 M01476
32347 MESA, Paolo 1464 1464 1464 M01477
32348 MESA, Carlo 29 0 5220807
32349 MESA, Daniel Jr. 23 0 5220254
32350 MESA, Stephanie 1590 f 17 M02098 5236134
32351 MESA, Carlo 29 0 5220807
32352 MESA, Daniel Jr. 23 0 5220254
32353 MESA, Raiza Mae f 13 0 521002657
32354 MESIAS, Noel M01478
32355 MESIAS, Mark 35 0 5215854
32356 MESIAS, Judy Ann 1837 1501 f 23 M02181
32357 MESIAS, Eddie 1834 59 M02365 521006539
32358 MESIAS, Mark 35 0 5215854
32359 MESINA, Jenimae 1612 1633 1642 f 20 M01480
32360 MESINA, Mark Christian M01479
32361 MESINA, Mes-mar 1718 1718 1718 0
32362 MESINA, Zid Alekhine 1273 0
32363 MESINA, Mes-mar 1718
32364 MESINA, Zid Alekhine 1273
32365 MESOLANIA, Rodolfo 1793 1793 1793 42 M01481
32366 MESTERIO, Gabriel M01482
32367 MESURADO, Jade 1649 23 M01483 5239656
32368 METANTE, Andre Ulrich 1540 19 M02260
32369 METCHA, Ethan Zane 1228
32370 METILLA, Genzel Vick 22 0 521014744
32371 METING, Naitsirhc 0
32372 METING, Naitsirhc 0
32373 METRAN, Joshua 1879 1879 1879 30 M01484
32374 METRAN, Kryz Lord Owen 1754 1754 1754 25 M01485
32375 METRAN, Kyle Patrick 1708 1708 1708 21 M01486
32376 METRAN, Kresziyah Lorain 1258 f 16 M02268
32377 METRAN, Raven Tyler 9 0 521016585
32378 METRILLO, Lyra 1442 f 19 M02419
32379 METRIO, Michael 2030 2095 2026 44 M01487
32380 MEULE, Jaime 1807 1807 1807 M01488
32381 MIA, Don Ignatius M01489
32382 MIAG-AO, Golda Bless B. 1439 f 16 0
32383 MIAG-AO, Vincent Joe B 1579 0
32384 MIAG-AO, Golda Bless B. 1439 f 16 0
32385 MIAG-AO, Vincent Joe B 1579 0
32386 MIAG-AO, Golda Bless B. 1439 f 16 0
32387 MIAG-AO, Vincent Joe B 1579 0
32388 MIAG-AO, Golda Bless B. 1439 f 16 0
32389 MIAG-AO, Vincent Joe B 1579 0
32390 MIAG-AO, Golda Bless B. 1439 f 16 0
32391 MIAG-AO, Vincent Joe B 1579 0
32392 MIAG-AO, Golda Bless B. 1439
f 16 0
32393 MIAG-AO, Vincent Joe B 1579
32394 MIANO, Jonathan Jr. 1747 43 0 5233372
32395 MIANO, Kenneth Ray M01490
32396 MIANO, Leonard M01491
32397 MIANO, Jonathan Jr. 1747 43 0 5233372
32398 MIANO, Jonathan Jr. 1747 43 0 5233372
32399 MIANO, Jonathan Jr. 1747 43 0 5233372
32400 MIANO, Jonathan Jr. 1747
43 0 5233372

This website is not affiliated with NCFP, the ratings listed here should not be used as an official reference, you may find the NCFP official rating list on their facebook page or
Credits is shared with sir Edward Serrano to whom without his dedication and hard work won't make this ratings compilation possible.