NCFP Rating List (florendo - flores)
Based from December 2023 release.


# Name Standard Rapid Blitz Fischer 960 Gender Age NCFP ID Fide ID
21101 FLORENDO, Katherine f 0 5203740
21102 FLORENDO, Carlo Mark 1816 1820 1816 31 F00292 5222893
21103 FLORENDO, Elaiza Marie O. 1664 f 24 F00296
, Joey Albert
2296 2262 2283 33 F00297 5209986
21105 FLORENDO, Kathryn 1712 1712 1712 f F00293
21106 FLORENDO, Patrick Erle 2060 2070 2060 33 F00295 5208947
, Paulo James
2233 2233 2233 35 F00294 5203961
21108 FLORENDO, Carlos G. 0 5210178
21109 FLORENDO, Jared Simon 7 0 5286620
21110 FLORENDO, Katherine f 0 5203740
21111 FLORENDO, Kaylee Madeline f 10 0 5286638
21112 FLORENTINO, Carl Joel 1625 1662 1662 21 F00300 5245907
21113 FLORENTINO, David John 1681 1700 1681 24 F00298 5243874
21114 FLORENTINO, Steven Kurt 1575 1579 1579 18 F00299 5245915
21115 FLORENTINO, Abusman 1600
21116 FLORENTINO, Marcus Gavrie 15 0 5295670
21117 FLORES, Nap Haniel 1760 37 F00595 5285631
21118 FLORES, Mark Jason 1767 32 F00606 5250412
21119 FLORES, Doniel 1771 0
21120 FLORES, Frederick 44 0 5272068
21121 FLORES, Gerry 1468 0
21122 FLORES, Herman Cyrus 21 0 5254159
21123 FLORES, Jade Zac H. 12 0
21124 FLORES, Jason Peter 0
21125 FLORES, Jeromie 36 0 5261546
21126 FLORES, Jian Andrei N. 1733 16 0
21127 FLORES, John Bryson P. 0
21128 FLORES, Jonathan (cat) 0
21129 FLORES, Jr 1527 0
21130 FLORES, Julius 1713 0
21131 FLORES, Jason Peter 0
21132 FLORES, Kate Anne f 28 0 5265894
21133 FLORES, Jian Andrei N. 1733 16 0
21134 FLORES, Louie 1807 0
21135 FLORES, Mark James 1399 20 0
21136 FLORES, Majah 42 0 5256453
21137 FLORES, Aga Zhyke 1072 13 F00620
21138 FLORES, Seth 1368 13 0
21139 FLORES, Mar 49 0 5247004
21140 FLORES, Ramie 1677 F00623
21141 FLORES, Mario Ii 44 0 5261864
21142 FLORES, Shanniah Mikaela 1423 f 16 F00614
21143 FLORES, Mark James 1399 20 0
21144 FLORES, Nerry 58 0 5233208
21145 FLORES, Rachelle B. f 0
21146 FLORES, Ruben 45 0 5224624
21147 FLORES, Saturnino 0 5205646
21148 FLORES, Seth Jacob 1368 1426 13 0
21149 FLORES, Abbie Joy 1713 1713 1713 f 25 F00301
21150 FLORES, Archiel 1762 1762 1762 33 F00302
21151 FLORES, Carlito 1873 1833 1873 F00356
21152 FLORES, Christian Anthony 2139 2139 2139 29 F00303 5200709
21153 FLORES, Claro 1562 1562 1562 27 F00304
21154 FLORES, Clisa Mae 1892 1892 1892 f F00305
21155 FLORES, Cyrill Vincent 1750 1750 1750 23 F00306
21156 FLORES, Dayanara 1794 1784 1800 f 21 F00307
21157 FLORES, Dhan 1807 1807 1807 32 F00308
21158 FLORES, Dominador 1780 1780 1780 29 F00309
21159 FLORES, Jason Peter 0
21160 FLORES, Edrian 1887 1887 1887 22 F00310
21161 FLORES, Jian Andrei N. 1733 16 0
21162 FLORES, Eduardo 1816 1816 1816 F00346
21163 FLORES, Mark James 1399 20 0
21164 FLORES, Fortunato 1789
51 F00358 5240387
21165 FLORES, Seth Jacob 1368 1426 13 0
21166 FLORES, Henry Cyril 1739 1739 1739 21 F00311 5254167
21167 FLORES, Ian Alexander 1726 1726 1726 27 F00312
, Imelda
1914 1822 1820 f 61 F00353 9100016
21169 FLORES, Ivan F00313
21170 FLORES, Jasmin Althea 1590 1590 1590 f 27 F00314
21171 FLORES, Jasper Joen F00315
21172 FLORES, Jean 1762 1762 1762 f 29 F00316
21173 FLORES, Jerome 1801 1801 1801 F00317
21174 FLORES, Jerry 1789 1795 1789 F00318
21175 FLORES, Joaquin Ynigo 1579 1579 1579 17 F00319 5254175
21176 FLORES, Johann Miguel 1618 1618 1618 32 F00320
21177 FLORES, Jonathan 1926 34 F00635 5293103
21178 FLORES, John Aikee Jay 1596 1596 1596 23 F00321
21179 FLORES, Joseph 1696 1696 1696 F00322
21180 FLORES, Justin Paulo 1550 1550 1550 F00323
21181 FLORES, Kassandra 1643 1739 1643 f 18 F00324 5245923
21182 FLORES, Kathlyn 1726 1726 1726 f 26 F00325
21183 FLORES, Kenneth 2174 2174 2174 26 F00326
21184 FLORES, Kisha Marie 1847 1834 1822 f 24 F00327 5246490
21185 FLORES, Kisli Francine f F00559
21186 FLORES, Kristine Mae 1845 1845 1839 f 22 F00328 5223806
21187 FLORES, Lancey 1698
21188 FLORES, Marc Francis 1714 1714 1714 26 F00330
21189 FLORES, Mariano 1788 1788 1788 67 F00331
21190 FLORES, Marlon D. 1880
31 F00332 5286441
21191 FLORES, Mary Grace 1692
f 21 F00333
21192 FLORES, Marzenn 1730 1730 1730 F00334
21193 FLORES, Mel Vincent 1828 1754 1786 30 F00349
21194 FLORES, Michael Vince Nino 1634 1634 1634 25 F00335
21195 FLORES, Minda 1855 1855 1855 f F00336 5201373
21196 FLORES, Monique 1379 1379 1379 f F00337
21197 FLORES, Morric Elian F00338
21198 FLORES, Nica Margarett 1812 1782 1812 f 29 F00339
21199 FLORES, Nicole Ann 1754 1754 1754 f 24 F00340
21200 FLORES, Princess Diana 1685 1688 1695 f 20 F00341

This website is not affiliated with NCFP, the ratings listed here should not be used as an official reference, you may find the NCFP official rating list on their facebook page or
Credits is shared with sir Edward Serrano to whom without his dedication and hard work won't make this ratings compilation possible.