NCFP Rating List (magallano - magdua)
Based from December 2023 release.


# Name Standard Rapid Blitz Fischer 960 Gender Age NCFP ID Fide ID
29501 MAGALLANO, Pamela Kate 1627 f 20 M02453
29502 MAGALLEN, Bert John 1600 1600 1600 27 M00188
29503 MAGALLONA, Alessandro Xavi 15 M02149
29504 MAGALLONA, Crisanto 1427 53 M02148
29505 MAGALONA, Jan Danielle 1837 1837 1837 28 M00189
29506 MAGALONA, Jeiel Esli 1568 1568 1568 26 M00190
29507 MAGALONA, John Carlo 1616 1616 1616 25 M00191
29508 MAGALONA, Marc Eljune 1736 1736 1736 26 M00192
29509 MAGALONA, Rodolfo 1760 1760 1760 M00193
29510 MAGALONG, Debbie Anne 28 0 5249945
29511 MAGALONG, Dexter 43 0 5260787
29512 MAGALONG, Vernalisa 43 0 5230586
29513 MAGALONG, Debbie Anne 28 0 5249945
29514 MAGALONG, Dexter 43 0 5260787
29515 MAGALONG, Vernalisa 43 0 5230586
29516 MAGALONG, Timothy Josh 1469 20 M02285
29517 MAGALPOC, Richard 1967 1967 1967 M00194
29518 MAGALSO, Cipriano Angelo 1234 1588 11 0 5277370
29519 MAGALSO, Cipriano Angelo 1811
11 0 5277370
29520 MAGALSO, Cyprian Jel 1761 1557
13 M00196 521003505
29521 MAGALSO, Cyrish Elaine 1847 1659
f 13 M00195 521002983
29522 MAGALSO, Cipriano 1900 1884
44 M00197 5252741
29523 MAGALSO, Angel f M00198
29524 MAGAN, Jay-r D. M02411
29525 MAGAN, Joven 1499 20 M02298
29526 MAGANAKA, Jullienne 1599 1599 1599 f 19 M00199
29527 MAGANTE, Jiffer Emmanuel 18 0 5288088
29528 MAGARANG, Cosain 1952 1979
1988 59 M00200 5202990
29529 MAGAT, Jay-r 1950 1950 1950 33 M00204 5269989
29530 MAGAT, Jed Angelo 1686 1686 1686 M00201
29531 MAGAT, Mark Vincent 1505 1505 1505 M00202
29532 MAGAT, Modesto Iii 1750 1750 1750 28 M00203
29533 MAGAYANES, Ronel 1469 25 M02011 5236355
29534 MAGAYANO, Angel Faye 1592 1592 1592 f 16 M00205
29535 MAGBAG, Elino 1795 1795 1795 84 M00206
29536 MAGBANUA, Jayson 31 0 5276586
29537 MAGBANUA, Andrew 0
29538 MAGBANUA, Reylan 0 5200326
29539 MAGBANUA, Tony Andrei 20 0 5264855
29540 MAGBANUA, Andrew 0
29541 MAGBANUA, Amelie f 0
29542 MAGBANUA, Andrew 0
29543 MAGBANUA, Daielle Clyne f 0
29544 MAGBANUA, Jacques Anthony 12 0 521008523
29545 MAGBANUA, Jayson 31 0 5276586
29546 MAGBANUA, Mark Lennon R. 1562
29547 MAGBANUA, Nheal 1166
14 0
29548 MAGBANUA, Reylan 0 5200326
29549 MAGBANUA, Tony Andrei 20 0 5264855
29550 MAGBANUA, Aj Kent Carl 18 M02095
29551 MAGBANUA, Andrew 0
29552 MAGBANUA, Andrew 0
29553 MAGBANUA, Andrew 0
29554 MAGBANUA, Allen 2065 2065 2065 M00207
29555 MAGBANUA, Dante 76 M00208
29556 MAGBANUA, Jefferson M00209
29557 MAGBANUA, Jud Renzo 1781 1781 1781 23 M00210 5231132
29558 MAGBANUA, Mark Christian 1429 1795 1477 29 M00212
29559 MAGBANUA, Wendell Jay 1732 1731 1734 21 M00211
29560 MAGBANUA, Wesley Jovan 1978 2038 2014 19 M00213 5229570
29561 MAGBILANG, Sam Irvine 12 0 521015856
29562 MAGBILANG, Anabelle 1726 1726 1726 f 29 M00214
29563 MAGBILANG, Anastacio Jr. 1726 1734 1726 25 M00216
29564 MAGBILANG, Ian John O. 1609 M00215
29565 MAGBILANG, Anastacio 1523 M02027
29566 MAGBITANG, Mhyca 1700 1700 1700 f 31 M00217 5224993
29567 MAGBOO, Jackson 0 5202558
29568 MAGBOO, Jackson 0 5202558
29569 MAGBOO, Johna D. 1573 f 27 M02372
29570 MAGBOO, Matthew 19 M00218
29571 MAGBUHAT, Jeruss 1739 1739 1739 48 M00219
29572 MAGBUHOS, Bahjl Rborah 1691 1691 1691 f 22 M00220 5252750
29573 MAGBUHOS, Khanum Lois 1652 1649 1652 f 18 M00221 5252768
29574 MAGBUHOS, Ruhiygih 1724 1724 1724 24 M00222
29575 MAGBUJOS, Bahji Borah 1543 M02248
29576 MAGBUJOS, Khanum Lois 1552 M02249
29577 MAGCALAS, Reny Rose f 20 0 5297222
29578 MAGCANTA, Roselle 1655 M02205
29579 MAGDAEL, Llyza 1659 1659 1659 f 21 M00223
29580 MAGDAEL, Rhyza 1464 1464 1464 f 19 M00224
29581 MAGDAGASANG, Braint Marben 1769 18 M02454
29582 MAGDAGASANG, Keren May 1473 f 16 M02455
29583 MAGDALAGA, Felipe Jr. 1809 1809 1809 28 M00225
29584 MAGDALAGA, Lucife 1746 1746 1746 M00226
29585 MAGDALAGA, Luffe 2197 2206 2205 35 M00228 5206022
29586 MAGDALAGA, Pinky Amor f M00227
29587 MAGDALUYO, Jezebelle 1779 1779 1779 f M00229
29588 MAGDALUYO, Marben 1594 1594 1594 M00230
29589 MAGDALUYO, Xerxes 1787 1787 1787 M00231
29590 MAGDAMIT, Gerry 1742 1742 1742 0
29591 MAGDAMIT, Gerry 1742
29592 MAGDAMO, Andrei Jan 1675
16 M00232 521010722
29593 MAGDANGAL, Alvin 2050 2050 2050 M00233
29594 MAGDANGAL, Cesar 2050 2050 2050 M00234
29595 MAGDANGAL, Lea 1584 1584 1584 f M00235
29596 MAGDARAOG, Nestor 1784 52 0 5268346
29597 MAGDARAOG, Nestor 1784
52 0 5268346
29598 MAGDAYAO, Rexlyn 16 M02258 5251761
29599 MAGDUA, Edgardo Jr M. 1397 0
29600 MAGDUA, Edgardo Jr M. 1397 0

This website is not affiliated with NCFP, the ratings listed here should not be used as an official reference, you may find the NCFP official rating list on their facebook page or
Credits is shared with sir Edward Serrano to whom without his dedication and hard work won't make this ratings compilation possible.