NCFP Rating List (mabanto - macalinao)
Based from December 2023 release.


# Name Standard Rapid Blitz Fischer 960 Gender Age NCFP ID Fide ID
29101 MABANTO, Christian C. 1788 1793 1788 40 M00022
29102 MABAO, Tam Lou 12 0 5289866
29103 MABASA, Marco Jay 2004 2049
2060 32 M00023 5258006
29104 MABATAN, Jan Kenneth 1683 1683 1683 24 M00024
29105 MABATAN, John Ray 1642 1642 1642 M00025
29106 MABATID, Allan C 0 5205352
29107 MABATID, Allan C 0 5205352
29108 MABAYAO, Aidan John 1729 20 M02462
29109 MABAYAO, Noehnito 39 M02463
29110 MABAYLAN, June 1900 1892 1900 38 M00026
29111 MABBORANG, Paul Daniel 1632 1632 1632 26 M00027
29112 MABBORANG, Vicsen 1519 1519 1519 24 M00028
29113 MABBORANG, Vicson 1584 1584 1584 M00029
29114 MABERIT, Jess 1898 1898 1898 M00030 5206545
29115 MABEZA, Clark Ian 43 0 5213770
29116 MABEZA, Clark Ian 0 5213770
29117 MABEZA, Clark Ian 0 5213770
29118 MABEZA, Clark Ian 0 5213770
29119 MABEZA, Clark Ian 43 0 5213770
29120 MABINI, Peter 42 0 5277833
29121 MABINI, Alvin 1804 1782
1760 45 M00031 5267420
29122 MABINI, Peter 42 0 5277833
29123 MABIOG, Clyde Kenneth 1496 15 M02219
29124 MABIOG, Ace Javen 1530 21 M02225
29125 MABOLO, German 0
29126 MABOLO, German 0
29127 MABOLOC, Leslie Mae 1780 1780 1780 f 30 M00032
29128 MABUAN, Errah - Mae f 14 0 521003696
29129 MABUANG, Johnrey 1858
45 0 5263379
29130 MABUANG, Johnrey 1858 45 0 5263379
29131 MABUGNON, Amiel Jayden C. 1450
7 0 5289874
29132 MABUGNON, Amiel Jayden C. 1447 0
29133 MABULAC, Enrique Beduya 51 0 521006520
29134 MABUTE, Mark Jay 33 0 521016542
29135 MABUTI, John Rhed 1643
19 0
29136 MABUTI, John Rhed 1643 19 0
29137 MABUTI, John Rhed 1643 19 0
29138 MABUTI, John Rhed 1643 19 0
29139 MABUTI, John Rhed 1643 19 0
29140 MABUTI, John Rhed 1643 19 0
29141 MABUYAO, Jericho 1663
29142 MABUYAO, Jericho 1663 0
29143 MACA, Arsenio M02138
29144 MACAALAY, Joshua Ariane 1345 16 M02464 5245060
29145 MACABABAT, Dlanie 1706 1706 1706 f 25 M00033
29146 MACABADBAD, Kim Cyrus 1668 1668 1668 29 M00034
29147 MACABANTE, Rich Markus 12 0 5279330
29148 MACABANTE, Rich Markus 12 0 5279330
29149 MACABANTI, Angela Marie f 25 0 5297214
29150 MACABARE, Shrenel 1497 M02122
29151 MACABAYAO, Matraf 1732 1732 1732 M00035 5202973
29152 MACABENTA, Zian Gabriel 1632
29153 MACABENTA, Rowell 1521 1521 1521 32 M00036
29154 MACABIDANG, Rosalio 1737 1737 1737 M00037
29155 MACABIO, Jake 1105
12 0
29156 MACABIO, Jake 1105 12 0
29157 MACABUDBUD, Arnold 0
29158 MACABUDBUD, Arnold 0
29159 MACABUHAY, Jonard 1615 1615 1615 34 M00038
29160 MACABULOS, Patrick 1482
29161 MACABULOS, Joemar 1818 M02432
29162 MACABULOS, Eduardo Danilo 1712 1712 1712 30 M00039
29163 MACABULOS, Patrick 1482 0
29164 MACABULOS, Fern Floriet 1388 f 11 M02171 5250510
29165 MACABULOS, Patrick 1482 0
29166 MACABULOS, Patrick 1482 0
29167 MACABULOS, Patrick 1482 0
29168 MACADAAG, Jay 1907
29169 MACADANGDANG, Precious Aira 1568 1568 1568 f 24 M00041
29170 MACADANGDANG, Ricky 1737 1737 1737 M00042
29171 MACADATAR, Yasser 1770 1770 1770 M00043
29172 MACADINE, Rody 1884 1884 1884 M00044
29173 MACAGANDA, Rene 1829
29174 MACAGANDA, Jessa Mae 1700 1713 1700 f M00045
29175 MACAGANDA, Rene 1829 1815 1829 0
29176 MACAGUNGUN, Fahad 1768 1768 1768 M00046
29177 MACAHIG, Jay Yohan 13 0 521007446
29178 MACAHILIG, Kenneth 1575 1575 1575 M00047
29179 MACAHILO, Seth Howard 1316
29180 MACAHILOS, Chloe 1445 f M02392
29181 MACAHILOS, Jhea Lannelle 1573 1573 1573 f 15 M00048
29182 MACAHILOS, Nino Kyle 1568 1568 1568 15 M00049
29183 MACAHILOS, Paul M00050
29184 MACAINAG, Marcus Aurelius 1641 1617 1641 17 M02281 5255899
29185 MACAINDIG, Hosni 19 0 521001502
, Macacuna
2200 2158
54 M00051 5203848
29187 MACALALAD, Domingo 1806 1806 1806 M00052
29188 MACALALAD, Gabriel 1723 1723 1723 M00053
29189 MACALALAD, Janel Ayesha 1596 1677 1641 f 20 M00054 5227038
29190 MACALALAD, Jeld Andrew 1757 1757 1757 29 M00055
29191 MACALALAD, Jonash Andrei 1847 1859 1855 18 M00056 5227666
29192 MACALALAD, Nadine 1550 1550 1550 f 27 M00057
29193 MACALALAD, Summer 1681 1681 1681 f 21 M00058
29194 MACALALAD, Win Lervin 1856 1883 1883 25 M00059
29195 MACALDO, Romil 1886 23 M02360
29196 MACALE, Krystie 1711 1711 1711 f 28 M00060
29197 MACALINAO, Tristan Rogel 18 0 5291348
29198 MACALINAO, Bryant Daniel 1566 1566 1566 17 M00061
29199 MACALINAO, Hammah Mae 1549 f M02319
29200 MACALINAO, Mark Allen 1488 M02320

This website is not affiliated with NCFP, the ratings listed here should not be used as an official reference, you may find the NCFP official rating list on their facebook page or
Credits is shared with sir Edward Serrano to whom without his dedication and hard work won't make this ratings compilation possible.